1-year gift certificate to Fleamapket Premium

Access all our premium content for free for a year and turbocharge your antiques search.

If you landed on this page, it means that someone special knows that you have a particular fondness for hunting for antiques and vintage items! And you’re in for a treat because they’ve just offered you a one-year subscription to fleamapket premium!

Before you can access all of our premium features, we’ll explain how to redeem your voucher. If you have already read the instructions below, you can click here to redeem your voucher.

Redeem Your Voucher Code

    • Navigate to the checkout page.
    • Locate and click the link that says, “Have a discount code? Click to enter it”.
    • Enter your unique voucher code in the provided text field, then click “Apply”.

Complete Your Registration

    • You’ll be asked to enter your personal information to create your account.
    • Make sure you agree to the terms and conditions by checking the appropriate box if necessary.
    • Click the “Checkout” button to complete the process.

Important Information

    • Your voucher is for one-time use only. No additional payment is required.
    • After one year, your complimentary access to Fleamapket will automatically expire.
    • We will notify you in advance before your access ends, giving you an opportunity to upgrade to a premium membership for continued access if you wish.

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