3-month free access to Fleamapket Premium

To redeem your voucher, simply click the button below. Of course you won’t have to pay anything, since this voucher entitles you to a free membership for three months.

Once on the checkout page, click the link “Have a discount code? Click to enter it”, and enter your voucher code in the text field.  Click “Apply”.  Your free subscription is now active.

Finally, you will be asked to enter your personal information so we can create your account. Check the box “agree with the terms & conditions”, and then click the “checkout” button. You’re now all set!

[button href=”https://www.fleamapket.com/checkout?edd_action=add_to_cart&download_id=46557″ style=”flat” size=”medium” color=”#428bca” hovercolor=”#1a77c9″]Click here to redeem your voucher[/button]

Remember: your voucher code can only be used once, and after 3 months, your access to Fleamapket will automatically expire. But no worries – we will remind you beforehand and give you a chance to upgrade to premium for another year if you’d like.

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