Since 1967, the very popular Altstadt-Flohmarkt am Hohen Ufer (the oldest flea market in Germany) has taken place every week all year round. It is located on the Hohe Ufer in Hanover, well beyond the city limits. The very location of the flea market is an incentive to visit, as it offers a picturesque view of the River Leine and the nearby Schlossstrasse and Goethestrasse.
As the Altstadt-Flohmarkt am Hohen Ufer is a traditional flea market with art, antiques, kitsch and vintage, the sale of shoes, clothing, food, new and mass-produced goods is prohibited. Electrical and electronic items are accepted provided they were not manufactured after 1975. This flea market is therefore primarily aimed at visitors who are looking for traditional items such as antiques and vintage, or who want to buy everyday items such as used crockery, books or tools. CDs and second-hand books are also on sale, and as many antique dealers and local record shops regularly sell at this flea market, vinyl lovers get a great deal.
The Altstadt-Flohmarkt am Hohen Ufer is considered by many to be the oldest flea market in Germany. It has often been featured in German media such as NDR, as its picturesque location on the River Leine and proximity to the Old Town make it an attractive tourist destination.
Last but not least, the voluminous Nanas by Niki de Saint Phalle surrounding the site, and of course the various restaurants and cafes inviting passers-by to linger, offer an additional incentive to spend a day at the Altstadt-Flohmarkt am Hohen Ufer.
Lars Baasch
25th May 2015 at 22:58Von Kunst uber Ramsch zum Kitsch, für jeden etwas dabei.
Aufm Samstag zum Brunchen in die Altstadt und anschließend über den Flohmarkt schlendern, ein Muss für jeden Hannoveraner und Stadtbesucher.
Christy Norman
1st February 2016 at 04:07The flea market offers a diversity of antiques, books and other stuff. In summer you can enjoy strolling the market right at the edge of the river Leine. There you will also find the Nana’s.
Kaspar Höfle
10th April 2016 at 01:59Super Flohmarkt in mitten der City. Sehr gemischtes Angebot, von Ramsch über Ungewöhnliches bis hin zu tollem Antiquitäten, Büchern, Schallplatten, und und und… Samstags, bis 16 Uhr, also viel Zeit zum schauen und schlendern.