With the perfect location in Tbilisi’s historic old town, Dry Bridge Flea Market (locally known as "Sukhoi Most") is the go-to place for all flea market and thrift enthusiasts. It also holds more than a couple of treasures for those with a honed interest in historical and cultural gems from Georgia. Just a twenty-minute walk from the famous Freedom Square, this flea market is the place to go for all souvenir needs, where you can buy literally everything and anything you can think of.
Hints of the Dry Bridge Flea Market begin when strolling across the bridge. There, a line of sellers can be found; some with their goods displayed on tables, others simply laying their merchandise on a blanket and taking a seat on the floor. As visitors start their stroll along the flea market's aisles, the full magnitude of the Dry Bridge Flea Market is revealed. Crowds of shoppers are made up of both locals and tourists. While locals come down to get a bargain on practical items and second-hand appliances, tourists come for one main purpose: to pick up their very own Soviet memorabilia.
For anyone with a modicum of interest in Soviet life, the Dry Bridge Flea Market opens up a window into this world. Stall holders range from people who have found interesting tit-bits in their homes to those that have obviously amassed their own collections and make their business this way. Dry Bridge Flea Market features a fantastic, eclectic mixture of merchandise and people, and as shoppers walk through the aisles they are surrounded by hustle and bustle, and the seemingly non-stop haggling of sellers and customers. Dry Bridge Flea Market is always lively, and a perfect place to soak up local culture.
The Dry Bridge Flea Market is now a really popular tourist destination, and for this reason there might be price discrepancies. Locals are always going to get a better price, but tourists can also snap a bargain if they are not shy to ask for it. This really is a market that should not be missed.
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