During the first approach to Antik-Möbel Hesz, the first thing of note is the size of the building. This is enough to whet the appetite of even the most casual of collectors! With more than 50,000 square meters of space, filled with incredible antiques, this store can take the best part of a day to fully explore. In case this size is hard to imagine, it is as big as 7 football fields. This makes Antik-Möbel Hesz one of the largest antique furniture stores in Europe and it has been open for trading since 1981.
Antik-Möbel Hesz has both indoor and outdoor exhibition areas. Passing through these is like taking a world tour through the ages. The displays do not feel like they are presenting items for sale. It is more like walking through an ancient estate, admiring the furnishings and artwork of the time. Artwork is displayed throughout, alongside wonderful furniture of all shapes and sizes, statues and sculptures, fountains in the outdoor areas, mirrors, lighting fixtures, chandeliers, ornamental items, vases, writing desks, grandfather clocks, and so much more. It is impossible to fully describe the inventory so a visit is essential!
The reputation of Antik-Möbel Hesz has only ever improved over the decades. It is rightly known for the quality of the pieces that it stocks and also for the wonderful variety of items within. Many of the items are actually famous in their own right, having been used as props in some very well-known Hollywood movies! There is certainly something within to suit every price range. The owners do not only seek the rarest and most expensive of antiques but recognize the value in the simple fact that older items are almost always unique. This in itself is a huge selling point, as many people seek something affordable that is not a standard flat-pack item found in every store these days.
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