Situated in the green meadows in the heart of the Stockholm county, Täby-Loppis is praised as Sweden's best drive-in car boot sale. This large antique and flea market offers a vast variety of items from the past. Professional merchants trading fine tapestries and glass decor, amateur dealers getting rid of tons of books. You can even spot children giving up their old toys there!
During most week-ends throughout summer, Nya Täby-Loppis starts getting very busy well before official opening time, with modern vikings hunting for treasures and the occasional tourists looking for a unique souvenir. It is therefore recommended to get there before 11am to have a real chance at finding an invaluable deal. There is still hope for the latecomers, particularly if vendors are eager to giveaway unsold items with a nice discount, but they might have to dig deeper!
Vendors at Täby Loppis are renowned to be cheerful and easy-going, so asking to take a look inside the boxes or in the trunk for some long-forgotten cache may be a good idea. Merchants are eager to tell fascinating stories about what you find among their miscellany, and are usually willing to bargain.
Loppistajm markets are pet and family-friendly: some food trucks at Täby Loppis sell freshly baked rolls and traditional hot dogs, as well as sodas and ice-cream for the hot afternoons. However, it is crucial to remember that the weather in Sweden can be unpredictable. This is why it is generally wise to always check the weather forecast before going, as the entire drive-in market site is outdoors.
Nya Täby-Loppis has recently relocated to Täbyvischan, just outside Täby. It is only a half-hour drive north from Stockholm, along the Frestavägen between Såstaholm and Hagby. When travelling by car, parking is free in the large field nearby. A twenty-minute train ride from Stockholm Östra (east) station to Täby Kyrkby is a greener and easy alternative, thanks to the free shuttle from the town station to the market site, offered by TaxiKurir.
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