Located at the end of a normal street in Antwerp, Belgium, one is likely to walk past Belgium Antique Exporters without realizing what it is. From the outside, it looks like an office block. However, once one steps inside it is clear that this store is home to some incredible collectible antiques. The 40.000 square feet warehouse is filled to the brim with what may be the best and most eclectic assemblage of fine antiques available anywhere in Europe. The stock of Belgium Antique Exporters features merchandise of every quality, from high end to low end. There is definitely something for every dealer or collector in the business. Everything is hand-picked, cleaned, and in ready-to-sell condition.
Belgium Antique Exporters is a family business. It was founded in 1974, so has a history in its own right! With so many decades of experience in the business and a passion for antiques in the family, customers can be assured of the authenticity of the pieces curated for sale here. This store is one of the largest wholesale antique companies in Europe. Collectors, particularly those in need of specific items, should certainly arrange to see the items for sale here. The size of the store means it has many goods not found at other antique stores or fairs.
Should you get the chance to step inside of Belgium Antique Exporters, you will not know what to look at first. The warehouse is vast, and wherever you turn you will be in touching distance of incredible antiques. There is a path weaved through the items, so allow some time to wander through and see everything. Antique furniture is throughout and there are pieces of all shapes and sizes. Around the furniture, visitors will see grandfather clocks, candelabras, lighting fixtures, chandeliers, statues, ornaments, vases, artwork, and so much more.
Since Belgium Antique Exporters supplies wholesalers, antique dealers, auctioneers, retail shops, and interior decorators worldwide, the warehouse features a very large selection of different styles: Country French, Gothic revival, Breughel, Tudor, Chippendale, Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Louis XIV, Boulle, Louis XV, Louis XVI, Queen Anne, Henry II, Empire, Napoleon III, Chesterfield, Spanish style.
As the name suggests, Belgium Antique Exporters offer an excellent and reliable shipping service. They pride themselves on the quality of both their goods and their service. Their reputation is well earned and a first-time customer becomes a returning client in almost all cases!
Since there are no regular opening hours for this store, customers are advised to call in advance to arrange an appointment. Those planning a visit to Antwerp would do well to note the contact details and arrange to pop into this awesome store.
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