Nestled in Copenhagen's vibrant Østerbro district, Loppemarked i Remisen is a beacon for treasure hunters, offering a wealth of secondhand wonders away from the vagaries of the weather. With its welcoming indoor setting, this flea market offers a reliable and charming shopping experience regardless of the climate outside.
Unlike many of Copenhagen's markets, which are exposed to the elements, Remisen offers a cozy haven for thrift lovers. Open almost every week, the modest 10 DK (US$1.50) entrance fee grants visitors access to a treasure trove of over 100 stalls, each brimming with a unique assortment of goods. From vintage clothing and accessories to toys, books and an eclectic mix of retro items, the market caters to a wide range of tastes and preferences.
What sets Loppemarked i Remisen apart is the dynamic nature of its organization. Under the direction of various individuals such as Helle, Anne, Steen and others, the market often offers a changing selection of stalls and themes. This organizational variety ensures a fresh and exciting experience for repeat visitors and keeps the inventory diverse and interesting.
On any given day, the market may be a fashionista's paradise, with stalls dedicated to clothing and accessories, while on others it transforms into a hub for electronics and spare parts. This diversity not only enriches the shopping experience, but also provides an element of surprise, as visitors can discover unexpected treasures amidst the varied offerings.
Given the variety of themes, it's a good idea for avid shoppers to check out the market's focus on any given day. A quick visit to Loppemarked i Remisen's Facebook page reveals the upcoming themes and offerings, ensuring that visitors can tailor their treasure hunt to their interests and avoid being overwhelmed by items not to their taste.
Beyond the tangible goods, the Remisen flea market offers a sense of community and a shared passion for sustainable shopping. The lively atmosphere, friendly vendors, and the thrill of discovering hidden gems contribute to the market's enduring appeal. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a casual shopper, Loppemarked i Remisen promises a delightful and memorable experience.
Liselotte Jespersen
28th April 2016 at 04:57Remisen (trianglen, Østerbro) I remisen på Østerbro afholdes der flere forskellige typer loppemarkeder, både tøj markeder og mere retro-prægende markeder. Begge holder jeg meget af at besøge og har haft mange både finurlige boligfund og ret lækre tøjskatte med hjem derfra. Koster typisk 10-20 kr i indgang
Marianne Johnsen
16th June 2016 at 00:37Jeg blev faktisk virkelig positivt overrasket, da en af mine veninder en lørdag formiddag hev mig og mine tømmermænd med til loppemarkedet på Remisen.
Selvom jeg altid har boet på Østerbro og opvokset med loppemarkedstande på store loppemarkeder rundt om i København, havde jeg aldrig været på Remisens.
Jeg tror altid jeg har været for nærig til at betale de ti sølle kroner det koster at komme ind. Jeg tror også jeg havde regnet med at Remisens loppemarked ville være en gymnastiksal med fem boder med meget intetsigende ting, men der tog jeg fejl.
Remisen, der normalt bliver brugt til idrætshal, var fyldt om med stande, mennesker og sager. Jeg blev nød til at gå flere runder for at få det hele med, og erhvervede mig da også nogle ting selv. Selvom loppemarkedet er ret lille, er det altså stadig værd at besøge, og så er der sådan en hyggelig lokal stemning.